What Do We Talk About at Club Meetings?

The Lodi Amateur Radio Club draws from the varied interests of all Club members. It’s the place to be on the first Thursday of every month to learn about something new. At our last meeting we enjoyed presentations that advanced our understanding of radio communications used for weather forecasting and another for emergency preparedness.

Dave (WB6TOU) holds the remnants of a weather balloon that he tracked and recovered just north of Galt. He explained that the package transmits weather data while typically rising to an altitude of 22 miles before the balloon explodes and parachutes gently back to earth. Dave explained how to monitor the weather data, track its position and recover remains. Dave has always enjoyed teaching curious young people aspects of amateur radio that are known to inspire careers.

Ron (N6GKJ) is a Club founder who really knows his way around a radio, be it analog or digital. Everyone today knows how to use a cell phone. In addition, Ham operators are licensed by the FCC to use small, low power transceivers that communicate through mountain top radios called “repeaters”. The Lodi Amateur Radio club enjoys the use of one such “repeater” that overlooks California’s central valley.

Last Thursday, Ron introduced to the club a system he engineered that ties the two together. That means members of the Lodi Amateur Radio Club now have exclusive access to a dedicated high altitude repeater via their cell phones. This is a true advantage to members when checking into the weekly nets and potentially for communications during emergency situations. (Setup Instructions)

If you like learning about new things and have an interest in technology, consider investigating the world of amateur radio. Who knows where it will lead?

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